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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hri (pronounced "Hree")

This is Kuan Yin's "Bija" mantra, and is considered untranslatable. It is a syllable to be vibrated as long as the breath allows, and is supposed to capture in sound the pure essence of Kuan Yin. You use it to identify yourself with her, in hopes of gradually becoming more like her. You chant it and think of nothing, purely focusing on making the sound itself without intellectualizing about it. Try it for five or ten minutes, gently bringing your mind back to the sound itself whenever thought arises. 

432 Hz

Monday, March 7, 2016

space hospitality...commercial movie crew needed food and drinks for a sunrise to sunset shoot...what a fabulous feeling to be  in this  lovely spaceport..."alone"...before the business arrives...and after everyone is gone and the space is returned to order...