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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Google Reader (1000+)

Google Reader (1000+): "*Remember the Buddhist teaching of “don’t reach and don’t recoil.” Just be present, honoring the perfection of what is. As soon as you come to peace with whatever is bothering you, reality will shift. Accept the gift that is being offered. Every single situation is designed to show you where Love wants to flow.
Love want to flow to you and through you. May you be used by Love. There is no better gift."

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Horoscope AstroClick Portrait - Astrodienst

Horoscope AstroClick Portrait - Astrodienst: "You are very sensitive to others people's needs and desires, and in many cases you go out of your way to help those whom you love. This reinforces your sense of self- esteem. Also you are able to empathize with others, that is, you can put yourself in their place, which makes you want to ease people's pain whenever you can. These are signs of a highly intuitive and sometimes even psychic mind. You often perceive truths about the world around you that others are blind to.
Certainly you love anything mysterious or fantastic, for such ideas help you get in touch with that dimension of the world that others cannot see. If you learn to understand yourself, you can become a very creative individual."

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

"America comprises just over 4% of the world’s population. Probably half that population has heard of Wikileaks (I’m not joking) and let’s say half of that remaining 2% are bothered by it."

Monday, December 6, 2010

Women in World History : MODULE 1

Women in World History : MODULE 1: "“O mother I burned
in a flameless fire
O mother I suffered
a bloodless wound
O Mother I tossed
without a pleasure:
loving my lord white as jasmine
I wandered through unlikely worlds.”
(Vacana, 69)"


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